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Minutes 2-26-2013
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                        Meeting Minutes

Date:           February 26, 2013

Present Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Ralph Martone, Secretary

Absent  Sarto Caron, Associate

7:00 PM The minutes for February 12 were read and accepted with
                corrections noted.

7:30 PM Special Permit Request
                Walter Kelly
                4 White Lane    R07/C/01     Book 10989     Page 234
                Mr. Kelly would like to build a three car garage on lots 9 and 10 located
                at 1 White Lane, also referenced as 1 White Road.
                William Pucci represented Mr. Kelly.
                Mr. Kelly proposed building a three car garage on a non-conforming lot                  adjacent to his house lot. Mr. Pucci explained the project.

                A site visit was scheduled for March 8 at 10 AM.
                A continuance was scheduled for March 12 at 8 PM.

8:10 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC              Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg, Secretary